Major Fix and settings patch!

Hey everyone!

I have here an awesome update that fixes a ton of issues and bugs, polishes and balances a vast number of things in Godstone. But most importantly: It massively improves the settings system, giving you more flexibility with volume and keybindings - and your settings now save!
So when you leave the game and go back, you won't have to redo the settings all over again!

Can't wait to participate in the big Steam Next Fest February 24.

Stay hydrated,

- Plant

Full list of changes:

- Fixed an issue in the volume settings where the bars reset when leaving and entering the settings menu.

- Added Ambience and Footsteps volume meters in the settings menu

- Added dodge keybinding in the settings menu

- Settings now actually save when you leave the game!!

- Due to popular request, the default inventory shortcut is moved from I to TAB, and skill shortcut from K to C

- Fixed effects sound setting. A number of sounds were not affected by this setting.

- Removed some setting buttons that were not used and really had no effect

- Improved Crown descriptions and ensured its text did not overlap with the "you already use this." note

- Nerfed Crown of Winter: The shards can no longer chill, which means they cannot cause a level-clearing chain reaction by themselves anymore

- Nerfed Tome of Swiftness from +10% attack speed to +5% attack speed.

- You can now ESC out of Game Over menu

- The game now pauses when going out of focus

- Fixed a bug that allowed missiles from fire traps to collide with the player despite dodging.

- Nerfed Charm of Destruction. It now causes a simple explosion dealing 2 damage around the dying enemy instead of erupting in missiles that basically one shotted all nearby enemies.

- Changed health of following enemies

Skeletal Archer from 12 to 10

Skeletal Warrior from 12 to 14

dashing stone golem from 12 to 14

Flying golem head from 10 to 9

Bandit from 9 to 13

Mages from 12 to 11

- Updated Ezemat's sprite art to fit his icon artwork. Aka he has gone goth

- Fixed a bug that caused the ESC menu to be affected by zoom

- Fixed some typo's (My english teacher would be proud)

- Buffed Orb of Frost and Orb of Fire spells. Their damage goes up from 3.5 to 4.5. The damage dealt when passing through enemies is doubled.

- Reduced the screen shake when Azar Zeion's Tomb is collapsing

- Fixed an issue where players accidentally skipped the first part of dialog by clicking too fast

- Skeletal warrior's movement speed is now boosted when having the speed empowerment

- Fixed a bug that allowed Bandit's throwing knife to collide with the player while dodging

- Fixed an issue where Bandit attacks ignored dodge. Rude.

- In the inventory, the title 'spells' is replaced with 'equipment', as swords/shields have been introduced and its no longer just spells like in the good old days. 'Crowns and Relics' title have also been fixed.

- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to dash into the next level and skipping the entire level. This even worked to skip Alva's magic scene as well as the Briar bossfight

- Fixed an issue with demo map showing incorrect levels

- Fixed a bug that caused UI to vanish when returning to the start of the demo after completing it

- Screen now shakes when opening Azar Zeion's Tomb

- Increased damage done by spikes, dart arrows and spear traps. They are now a proper threat *evil smiley*

- Fixed a bug that allowed to press E while in dialog while standing next to an urn to break that urn

- Made orb of flames and orb of frost nova missiles slightly transparent to make them less visually overwhelming *eye-pain begone!*

- Increased chill and burn debuff from orb of flames and orb of frost

- Fixed burn effect on golems that displayed it to its far right, and its health bar which was also not centered

- Renamed Orb of Nephis to Orb of Darkness. Also fixed the spawn coordinates for the Neferin Bolt it casts on attack

- Fixed a bug that allowed spells to collide with Corpse Leaper even when its dead

- Put thunder mage missiles in front of player missiles so they are easier to detect. The missile tail has also been shortened to make them more visually manageable

- Fixed an issue with Spark and Snowflake causing them to not properly damage enemies if they stand too close to a wall

- Spark and Snowflake emit more light

- Ensured Frost Shell and Black Circle spells only drop as off hand. This makes sure you always have some damage-dealing ability, otherwise you risk getting stuck in the game

- Fixed a major bug that caused the player to vanish and unable to attack when disabling Frost Shell

- Balanced blood effects by adding cooldown to prevent it from going SPLATTERSPLATTERSPLATTER nonstop when using firebreath or frostbreath on it

- Changed spell descriptions so they no longer say 'penetrate enemies', but instead 'pierce enemies' ... because ... because that sounds cooler m'kay

- Fixed a bug that allowed the player to both use off hand spells and sword at the same time, leaving multiple animations overlapping

- Fixed a bug that caused melee attack to instantly end when trying to use it after having used a breath ability

- Corrected spawn coordinates for the elemental empowerment on Ilzetath that previously caused the fire and frost missiles to appear too far to the right. He now also casts a missile whenever he summons fire runes, similar to the normal fire wizard.

- Polished the UI, removing the big vault key icon on the far left corner and instead have a smaller key icon appear right next to the inventory button. This leaves the UI with much better symmetry (and my OCD satisfied)

- Fixed a bug that allowed the health bar to show 0 health when you are very VERY close to death

- Increased dodge cooldown by 50%. Sorry folks, its just too powerful :p

- Shortened Neferin Breath description to make space for 'already using this' note

- Birds and bats now react to player spells. If the player tries to cast magic at them, they will fly when the missile gets too close

- Centered Briar's bombs on her body when casting them to the left. They appeared behind her before

- Fixed a damn bug where the first level of Ilzetath's library would reset when backtracking. As you can hear this bug has 'buggled' my mind for some time now

- Nerfed poison damage from 1.5 per second to 0.9 per second.

- Fixed a bug that allowed you to spawn an infinite amount of portals by repeatedly opening and closing Ilzetath's note

- Vault doors and levers now display their E notification lower if they are located on the upper part of a level. This ensures it does not go out of screen border.

- Items, weapons, consumables etc found on the upper side of the screen now display info below them, as to not cover over the player character

- Fixed a bug where item information would flimmer for just a frame on the top left corner before appearing at the item itself

- Gerion no longer flashes you when trying to move during a scene

- Gerion no longer runs in place when pressing both left movement and right movement at the same time

- Remade the Frost Spike sound effect. This one is less invasive/annoying to listen to, though I'm still not 100p satisfied with how it sounds, so it most likely will change again in the future

- Fixed a bug that caused Hezel to have some kind of brain damage where he thinks you have saved him if you leave and re-enter the room

- Updated button visuals in the ESC menu

Files 561 MB
33 days ago

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